


1 Arizona Sunbelt

2 Sunbelt Area

3 sunbelt exploration inc
森贝尔特勘探公司 ; 详细翻译

Bilingual example sentences

1 During the last recession, migration to the sunbelt accelerated.

2 All the other cities in the top ten were also in the sunbelt.

3 Even in the sunbelt, however, many rural areas are losing population.
甚至是在温暖的阳光地带(指美国西部及西南部 从弗吉尼亚延伸带加利福利亚一带–译者注),许多乡村地区也在流失人口。



The Sun Belt is a region of the United States generally considered to stretch across the Southeast and Southwest (the geographic southern United States). Another rough boundary of the region is the area south of the 36th parallel, north latitude. The main defining feature of the Sun Belt is its warm climate with extended summers and brief, relatively mild winters. Within the Sun Belt areas of the U.S, deserts (Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas), Mediterranean (California), and humid subtropical (Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina) climates can be found.The belt has seen substantial population growth since the 1960s due to an influx of people seeking a warm and sunny climate, a surge in retiring baby boomers, and growing economic opportunities. Also, over the past several decades, air conditioning has made it easier for people to deal with the summertime heat in the region. In recent years water shortages, droughts, and drug trafficking near the Mexican border have become a problem in the western region.